Requirements for Emergency Video Notarization Services

1. Access to Zoom, Microsoft Team or Google Meets
2. Clear video & lighting so your face, ID & document are clearly visible to the notary public
3. Physically be in North Carolina
4. Unexpired driver's license or passport
5. Unsigned document (if the document is signed already, only in-person notarization will be available to you)
6. Access to a document scanner or camera

If a wet-signed notarization is needed

1. Schedule a video conferencing call along with the established fee ($10/customer signature)
2. During the video conference, state the name of the NC County you are presently in
3. Present your ID in the video so it is clearly seen
4. Present the unsigned document & angle your camera so the notary can witness you signing the document
5. Send a scanned or photographed copy of the document to the same day
6. Send every page of the original document to Apogee Notary by UPS, FedEx, or USPS & include a return mailing label or self-addressed stamped envelope.
7. Once the original document is received by Apogee Notary, your scanned copy will be compared to the paper copy received to validate it is the same document signed during the video conference. Once validated, the notary will notarize and returned it to you using the return label or self-addressed stamped envelope you provided.

Note: if a person will be delivering and returning the document to you, please have them schedule a 15 minute appointment with Apogee Notary

If a wet-signed notarization is not needed

Some recipients of a notarized document do not need the original document & a stamped copy of the document will suffice. Double check with the receiving agency or organization to make sure this is acceptable.

1. Schedule a video conferencing call along with the established fee ($10/customer signature)
2. During the video conference, state the name of the NC County you are presently in
3. Present your ID in the video so it is clearly seen
4. Present the unsigned document & angle your camera so the notary can witness you signing the document
5. Send a scanned or photographed copy of the document to the same day
The notary will stamp the document, scan the document & email it back to you the same day.